Prosper HRMS

A cloud-based software that will revolutionize the capability of your HR Team in supporting employee management in business.

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Streamline HR Operations

Employees’ Data at One Location
  • Maintains Records for Payroll & Tax
  • Keeps Compliance with Laws & Regulations
  • Tracks of Employees’ Performance & Development
  • Promotes Transparency
Streamlined Documentation Process
  • Smart Storage Process for Documents
  • Back-Up for important documents
  • Off-Site Access to all Documents with cloud
  • Increase Work Efficiency with smart decisions
Employee Processes Supported
  • Employee Attendance Management
  • Employee Leave Management
  • Employee Hiring Management
  • Employee Separation Management
  • Employee Asset Management
  • Employee Communications Calendar
  • Employee Appraisal Process
  • Employee Expense Management Process


Accessibility Mobile & Windows Only Windows Only Windows Only Windows
Attendance Update – Phone/Laptop/Desktop Can do it for Self Self & Regularize for team NA Can do it for Everybody
Bio-Metric Attendance Plugin Available NA NA NA
Attendance Regularization Can request Can do it for Team No Can do it for Everybody
Absence Management YES only Self Self & Team NA Can do it for Everybody
Leave Management Can apply for Self Apply for Self & Approve for Team NA For Everybody
Leave Balances Can see for Self For Self & Team NA For Everybody
Sharing Offer letters & Appointment Letters NA NA Yes Yes
Resigning & Clearance Can be done thru System Acceptance / Rejection Clearances Process thru System NA
Pay Slips Can view for Self Self & Team Finance Dept can update NA
Automated Reminders Mail for any action on request Mails for any request filing Mails for any request filing Yes
Employee Engagement Panel YES- View YES- View
Company Policies & Objectives YES- View YES- View & Manage
PMS Update for Self Create PMS form & Review Reporting NA
Appraisal Rating Letters YES view for Self See for self & Team Reporting NA
Expense Reimbursement YES- Upload for Self Apply for Self & Approve for Team Finance dept view & Update NA
Reporting NA NA Department specific Report All reports
Training Directories Available with Prosper LMS Available with Prosper LMS NA NA
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